Group Reiki Soundbath Sessions

Group Reiki Soundbath Sessions

We collaborate with the talented George from The Sound Shift to deliver you a relaxing and powerfully healing Reiki Soundbath.

WHAT After a short guided meditation we will lay down for a soothing Soundbath performance with Crystal Singing Bowls, Himalayan Singing Bowls, Gongs and other ambient instruments to float you through the session, coupled with a group reiki activation from Faye.

All you need is cosy clothing and an open mind, perfect for friend or company group sessions.
Though sound healing is ancient in practice, utilising these instruments for wellbeing has been scientifically proven to engage lower frequency brainwave patterns (such as in meditation) and the parasympathetic nervous system (the body’s optimal state for rest and repair). A Soundbath is an immersive experience.

WHO Presented by Flabbergast Club, a vibration elevation community, the session will be led by the talented George of The Sound Shift. Certified by The Sound Energy Practitioners Association (SEMPA), George is also a songwriter and producer who started his career in the 90’s. Reiki level two practitioner and angel card reader, Faye, will facilitate the reiki energy healing.

WHEN/WHERE Either at your location or choice or Soma Home, Stoke Newington ✨

THE SCIENCE On average, the human body consists of around 60-70% water, making it easy for vibrations move through the body almost undetected, reaching our deepest layers. The human body is made up of trillions of cells, each containing vibrating atoms, so we are vibrating all the time. Everything around us is vibrating too. Consciously exposing ourselves to intentional frequencies and tones during a sound session can help us realign and shift energy in the mind, body and spirit.

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Energy work is the practice of tuning in to the systems of energy (chakras/meridians) throughout your body to connect to your higher self, tapping in to your needs (not wants), clearing blocks which may be keeping you from your needs, and accessing your intuition, helping you in every area of your life.

Energy healing refers to techniques used to aid this and can be done through endless modalities – meditation, yoga, Qi gong, acupuncture, and one of the main methods, Reiki. 

Reiki, a Japanese technique translated as divine wisdom (rei) life force energy (ki/chi) and can aid emotional, physical and spiritual healing and development. Reiki can also alienate stress and disease. as well as assists with addictions, trauma release, manifestation and fertility/pregnancy. 

The practitioner activates the pure love frequency energy through their palms, and moves it through the recipients chakras (energy points) in their body, tuning in to subtleties to diagnose blocks in energy and overactive chakras. the practitioner acts purely as a vessel through their presence, the client heals themselves with the energy channeled to them.

The technique aids deep relaxation, a time when the body is most able to go in to healing mode (theta), but also connects to deeper messages in the psyche waiting to come through and even fuels creative ideas.

Lots of people, especially those who are open to the experience and those who practice regularly, report sensations of bubbling, tingling, warmth, waves, releases, seeing colours or visions in their sessions. many are sleepy afterwards, some are energised! at the least, you will experience some feelings of relaxation having taken some time out for yourself. at the most, a powerful and insightful healing experience delivering physical, emotional, mental and spiritual releases and resolutions.

NB Reiki practitioners do not diagnose conditions nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medic. 

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