
Intuitive Angel Card Readings

One on one readings

Tap in to angel energies to enquire about whatever is on your mind at the moment.

The session will start with a general consultation and meditation, leading in to any of the below readings, offering guidance and insight throughout, peppered with divine wisdom;

  • Week / month reading
  • Past, present, future reading
  • Deeper general reading
  • Soul purpose reading
  • Relationships reading
  • Questions around a current situation

The one hour session will be followed up with your recurring themes and any additional advice relating to anything that came up regarding your reading and situation.

On Zoom globally. In person in UK post lockdown restrictions.

Price: 50 GBP online, 75 GBP in person in Hackney Wick

We also offer two free community sessions each month on Zoom. If you know somebody who is in need of some #energy work, or you are, and you’re from a minority background, EMAIL

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Intuitive reiki and angel energy healing session

A multi sensory energy healing session – one on one, in person and online (distant reiki)

An intuitive Reiki energy healing session guided by angel energies designed to help you step into and balance your feminine (yin) and masculine (yang) energies through the powers of clearing, healing, grounding. (For all genders)

An ancient Japanese energy healing technique, Rei (divine wisdom) and ki (life force energy) is channelled into the chakras, energy centers in the body, to encourage a relaxed, beta state which can then activate physical, emotional and spiritual healing by moving energy through the chakras (private sessions in Bali or by Zoom worldwide).

The sessions focus on moving energy at chakra points most blocked or overactive, amplified by, scents, crystals (in person) angel cards, mantras and music to encourage the flow of energy, bespoke to the clients needs in that moment, meaning no one session is the same.

Using her experience in the music industry and as a DJ as well as guided intuitions, Faye delivers a fluid music experience throughout the session with the Hz and frequencies needed in that moment, aligned with the chakras in focus.

Can help with
  • Physical health ailments (aches, pains, illness, sleep problems) or mental health (anxiety, depression)
  • Emotional – letting go and resolving present or past issues.
  • Spiritual – tapping in to the higher self, manifesting wishes for your future.
  • Energetic – relaxation, feel lighter and brighter in the following days
  • Fertility and pregnancy
  • Reiki for animals – calming down hyper pets or soothing poorly pets.
What can be expected
  • Light hand touch over clothes accords the chakra points to channel reiki energy, or sent at a distance.
  • Rei (divine wisdom) ki (life force energy) is pure love channeled through the practitioner into the client to wherever it’s most needed. The practitioner acts purely as a vessel through their presence, the client heals themselves with the energy channeled to them.
  • At the least, some feelings of relaxation. At the most, a powerful and insightful healing experience.
  • Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual releases and resolutions.
  • Visions, feelings, waves of energy.
  • A wash of pure love, feeling of relaxation; the catalyst for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing when in beta state.
  • Each session is rounded up with a feedback discussion to explore what came up; even the smallest hit can be insightful for the continuation of your healing journey.
Workshop details
  • Start with initial consultation/explanation of Reiki.
  • Energy cleanse
  • Angel card reading
  • Work through the chakra points over 40-50 mins
  • Essential oils, crystals (in person session) and music are used as they feel required.
  • Additional tools used bespoke to the intention of the session, meditation, headache balancing, cord cutting, reiki wish or resolution
  • End with a water, post session discussion about anything which may have come up and further recommendations based on that (crystals, food, mantras, other practitioners, healers and methods to explore)
  • You will take away your personalised playlist to listen back to after the session

Duration – one hour.

Price: 50 GBP online, 75 GBP in person in Hackney Wick

We also offer two free community sessions each month on Zoom. If you know somebody who is in need of some #energy work, or you are, and you’re from a minority background, EMAIL
Book a Session

New Moon Manifestation Guidance / Full Moon SOS

New Moon is a powerful time for going inwards, thinking about what it is that you really want from life, what will spark joy for you, what do you need to bring in or resolve to move forwards with current goals.

Book in some time for a private workshop on how to set intentions for the specific new moon phase that month, and how you can manifest in the most powerful way for you, using crystals, scents, meditations, frequencies, visualisations, mantras, elements and more.

Full Moon is also another really powerful yet intense time of the month. Book in some time to learn how to harness these energies for your best use, and how to neutralise anything else coming up for you around this time of the lunar cycle.

Sessions can be booked one day either side of the above dates for greatest use of the moon energies.

Price: 30 POUNDS/600k IDR donation to The Okra Project. First session FOC for people in the black community.

On Zoom globally. In person in UK post lockdown restrictions.

Or join our charity donation based monthly community new moon sessions on supporting The Okra Project

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Stumped with social? Baffled by influencers?

Book in a tea to chat about anything digital such as latest trends, innovation, influencers, content, creative ideas, websites and eCRM, promotional and growth strategies, social media platforms, partnerships or navigating the music industry, and see how we can help you and your brand.

Tap in to over ten years digital marketing experience, 8 of which in the music industry.

Half hour FOC, one hour sessions requires payment. – Paypal link will be sent upon confirmation of booking

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